Typical Treatment

 – Cryopreservation

Cryopreservation-Embryo or Oocyte

They are frozen slowly at an electronically controlled rate in the presence of a cryoprotectant and stored in the liquid nitrogen at the 4~6 cells stages.
Reasons for cryopreservation are (i) to keep surplus fentilized embryos for possible future implantation, (ii) to avoid ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, (iii) to azoid multiple pregnancies (iv) to increase the chanses of implantation success (v) to store the intact oocytes of woman who may suffer irreparable ovarian damage due to chemotherapy or irradiation.


Cryo-thawed embryo transfer in:

1. natural cycle
2. Hormone-replaced cycle


Advantages Disadvantages
Natural cycle
  • High implantation rates
  • No medication
  • Low miscarriage rates
  • Frequent follicle monitoring
  • Difficulty in determination of ovulation for pts with irregular period
Hormone-replaced cycle
  • High implantation rates
  • Easy to adjust the day of embryo transfer
  • Higher miscarriage rates
  • Long administration of steroid hormone


spermFrozenThe separated sperm from seminal plasma by density gradients are mixed with a cryoprotedtant and are then loaded into liquid nitrogen vapor to freeze, before plunging into liquid nitrogen.