Reinoso family

Hopefully you still remember me, now a year have pass since I saw you. I’m happy to tell you that I have a beautiful baby boy call Henry Alexander Reinoso. Attach is a picture of him. I just wanted so say thank you for everything you did for us, without you we wouldn’t be this happy, you are truly an angel for us. Thank you again for all you do.

Wenck family

We would like to personally thank Dr. Tanaka and his staff for making our family complete. When we found out that we could not have a baby naturally, we went to Dr. Tanaka for in-vitro fertilization. He came high recommended from our Doctor in Iwakuni. The procedure worked on the first attempt and we got to welcome our daughter, Mila Katherine, to the world on October 7, 2011. Dr. Tanaka will always be in our hearts as our miracle worker that helped us become parents. Again, thank you!

Wikel family

Hello Dr. Tanaka, I know you are a busy man, but Chris and I wanted to send you an update. My pregnancy is going very well and I am feeling good. We were happy to learn that both embryos survived, we are having twins and couldn’t be happier. Chris and I were recently featured in an article in the base newspaper, the Iwakuni Approach. I wanted to share that with you. You were great to us, very knowledgeable and helpful and honest. I want other people to be able to have the same experience we have had. Thanks again for everything and please let us know the next time you plan a visit to Iwakuni!

Iwakuni U.S. Military base
At Iwakuni U.S. Military base after the September 25th seminar

Davis family

Cassandra was born March 24, 2004 and is rapidly approaching her first birthday. We have a special party planned for her (March 26th) and would like to send you pictures soon. She is a very beautiful, sweet, healthy, and happy baby. She loves to say “dada”, “mama”, and “bobo” (our Boxer dog). She also occasionally says some other words like “bye bye”, “up” (when she wants up), and “ball”. She loves to wave hello and goodbye to all she meets. She is nearly walking, just using one hand to steady herself. She eats well and is sleeping nearly 11 hours continuously at night. We are teaching her ASL (American Sign Language) and she can make the sign for “more” and “all done” (after meals, diaper changes, etc.). She is a smart baby and seems to really enjoy learning new things. She gets a certain sparkle in her eye when she has learned something new. Anyway, Dr. Tanaka, I know you are a very busy man and probably have many more people to help! Thank you for all you do! You must feel good knowing that you bring so much joy to the lives of others!

Pelaez family

First I would like to thank Dr Tanaka and his staff for assisting us conceive our beautiful son Jessiah. He and his staff helped make our dreams of being parents a reality. Words could never express how grateful we are, they will always be in our hearts! Every time I see my son smile or reach another milestone my heart just wells over with joy. He is such a miracle and so loved. I thank you Dr. Tanaka!

De Bree family

Thank you to Dr.Tanaka and his wonderful staff. Without them we wouldn’t have our beautiful son Nicolas William. They made our dream of having a baby a reality. We can never thank them enough for taking the time to make us feel comfortable. Thank you for making our family complete.

Hi Dr. Tanaka! It has been a long time. I just wanted to update you on Nicolas. He is getting so BIG! He will be 9 this November. He loves to play baseball and he is the number one pitcher for his baseball team. He is in 3rd grade this year. How time flies. We still live in Fort Worth Texas but we miss Japan very much. I have attached some pictures so you can see how big he is. Please let us know when you come to the U.S. I want to thank you again for giving us such a wonderful gift and wish we could do it again.

Medina family

Dr. Tanaka-San will always have a special place in our hearts. He helped us be a complete family. Thank you for our miracle. We are eternally grateful.
Love The Medina’s

Graham family

Thank you for helping us have our handsome baby boy. He is very smart and happy. I have attached a picture of baby Ben I took a couple of days ago.
Sincerely, Karelia Graham

Ludwig family

After several unsuccessful IUI’s and an unsuccessful IVF in Hawaii, we researched options abroad. The St. Mother’s website provided helpful information about its fertility approach and statistics about its treatments, written in both Japanese and English.We were excited about its success rates and additional research found it to be ranked among the top fertility clinics in all of Japan. Clinic staff was very responsive to questions in email and Dr. Tanaka’s ability to discuss our treatments in Japanese and English was very comforting. We chose St. Mother when we were both in our 40’s and couldn’t be more happy. The treatments included lower medication levels than what we experienced in Hawaii and were delivered a fraction of the cost. Our baby arrived in late January 2019 and we attribute our luck to the skill and professionalism of the St. Mother staff. We are madly in love with our little bundle of joy and are truly thankful for their effort. Arigato gozaimasu!!!
Arthur & Tamami Ludwig

Kerrigan family

Thank you Dr. Tanaka for helping us reaches our dream of becoming parents not just once but for second time. We really appreciate your positiveness and your work.
Sincerely, Kerrigan Family

Yavorsky family

Franz family

I delivered the healthy baby girl last year in OCT, she just turn 7months last Sunday.
Thank you so much for giving me hope and making our dreams come true. We are so glad we met you.

Grimm family

Letter to Dr. Tanaka, All Staff and St. Mother Hospital,
Dr. Tanaka provided excellent evidenced based treatment and hope during our IVF treatment. His expertise and confidence along with the dedication and professionalism of all his Staff made our wishes come true! we were able to conceive fraternal twins (William Rocky & Raquel). We are so in love with our new family members. We will always be grateful and in awe of Dr. Tanaka, the Staff and the Hospital that made our blessings possible. Many loving wishes to ALL.
With Gratitude, Joseph, Jessica, William Rocky & Raquel

Faux family

We would like to thank Dr. Tanaka and all the staff who supported us having a child.
We almost gave up the fertility treatments after 4 years.
Dr. Tanaka cheered us up and was very supportive, so we decided to try one last time.
Fortunately, we were blessed with our precious daughter. Thank you so much!
We will always be grateful.